Ancient Grasslands: The past, present and future of Willamette Valley prairie and savanna

Zoom Presentation

Presenter: Bart Johnson, professor emeritus from University of Oregon Oak-pine savanna and prairie have persisted in the Willamette Valley and other parts of the lowland Pacific Northwest for thousands of years. These ecosystems appear well-suited to projected future climate because of their resilience to heat, drought, and fire. With rapidly increasing risk to forests and […]

Updates on Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae in Oregon

Zoom Presentation

Speakers: Dr. Alison Colwell, Curator, Center for Plant Diversity, UC Davis and Dr. Adam Schneider, University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse. Alison Colwell and Adam Schneider have been studying the non-photosynthetic members of the parasitic plant family Orobanchaceae (primarily Aphyllon, Conopholis and Phelipanche) in North America for many years. Hard to find, largely subterranean and often rare, […]

Culturing Native Plants in the Pacific Northwest

Amazon Community Center, Main Hall 2700 Hilyard St, Eugene, OR, United States

Speaker: Michelle Osgood,  Assistant Horticulturist at the U.S. Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resource Center Featuring funky ferns and quirky Quercus, USFS Horticulturist Michelle Osgood shares techniques about propagating ferns from spores, collecting wild seed, growing resilient native plants, and outplanting them into the wild or even your own backyard.