Become a Member

Become a Member

Becoming a member is easy! Just navigate to the state web site’s Membership page and follow the instructions. Joining the state organization will automatically enroll you as a member of the Emerald Chapter. Because NPSO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all contributions are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law.

Memberships support the mission of our chapter and the umbrella state organization. Our presentations and walks are free and open to the public, but there are some perks you get by joining that you won’t otherwise:

  • You get to participate in our annual meeting weekends (hosted by different Chapters) where you can join field trips to explore different parts of the state and learn about the floras located there.
  • You’ll receive our monthly NPSO State Bulletin which explores state-wide botanical topics and highlights all chapter activities for that month.
  • You’ll receive our monthly Emerald Chapter Castilleja newsletter that reminds you of Chapter and sister non-profit’s activities during the month.
  • You can volunteer (all levels of skill are encouraged) to help out with a variety of fun activities and events:
  • Help at the Mount Pisgah Arboretum Wildflower Festival
  • Lead a field trip to your favorite local park or trail
  • Join a Chapter committee
  • Join the Board of Directors as a Member-at-Large and learn what the Board does
  • Help with setup and take-down at our public programs

If you’re interested, contact and we can chat about current volunteer opportunities and the best place for you to help!